My impressions of the new GeekLog CMS

I've been playing around with the test release of GeekLog 1.4, and I have to say that I'm pleased with what I've seen so far. I've only encountered two minor bugs so far, both of which I've been able to fix myself. That's not bad at all, considering all of the new functionality that's been added
The most significant changes (from my perspective):

  • Pings/PingBacks/Trackbacks - for those unfamiliar with this, it's basically a method for notifying other sites of updates to your site. Especially useful are trackbacks, which enables a sort of remote commenting system. For instance, I can write a comment about a post by TallSkinnyKiwi, storing it on my server, but having it show up on his blog. Very cool
  • A WYSIWYG edit is now included "stock," instead of having to bolt one on
  • Users of and LiveJournal don't need to create a new username/password. They can log in to my server with their credentials they use for the other service. (Don't worry - the username/password is not stored llocally)
  • Support for more syndication types

Things I'd like to see change:

  • More control for plugins. I'd like to see a lot more "hooks" available for plugins to use. For instance, I'd like to be able to intercept the story editor, so that I can insert my own controls
  • A more generic syndication API. I'd like to be able to use the syndication model not to write out an XML file necessarily, but to, for instance, cross-post articles to another blog
  • Documentation still needs a lot of work

All in all, a very good release, though I'll probably let it "age" a bit before I install it for the Harbour's blog
