Yet another BlogWatcher change

I know - you're all getting tired of this.

I've added a facility to make it even easier to subscribe to feeds. There's a new link, "QuickSub" with instructions on how to add a button to your web browser to automate subscriptions. Once you've installed this button, you just need to click on it when you're on a page that interests you. As long as there are feeds available for that page, the software should hopefully pick it up and subscribe you.

Of course, there will probably be problems with it, but give it a try.

(I'm also trying out a new publishing tool, so I'm not sure how this post will turn out.)




I'm not so much tired of it as I am totally flummoxed by it all. The only "feeds" I have any familiarity with are the kind that have words like "chicken" in front of them.