Hurrah for librarians!

According to this article, a librarian in a public library near Boston refused to allow FBI agents to take the library's computers without a proper search warrant. (That looks like a temporary URL, since you normally have to subscribe to read this publication's content. So the link may not work by the time you try to read it.)
People talk about meek librarians, but I wonder how many others would stand up for what they beleive in in the face of government agents. I'd like to believe I would, but I'm not sure. I certainly applaud Ms. Glick-Weil and her actions.

(Segue into a tangentially related rant here ...)

The government has the right and responsibility to protect it's citizens, but not at the expense of our civil liberties. Something I wish our President would keep in mind. I don't ask that no access be granted to private information. I only ask (and expect) that there will be independent oversight of that access. President Bush doesn't seem to understand that it doesn't really matter how "limited in scope" the wiretapping was. The point is that we, the people, have no way of verifying his statements. Why is it too much to ask to have an independent, but still secret, review of each individual instance? I'm still not completely comfortable with even that, but it's a lot better than the current state of affairs, where we're expected to trust the current administration and take them at their word.

I don't.




Amen to that. I can't stand our current adminsitaration. That was one awesome librarian though. :-D