

While the project is in sandbox, it's not possible to download it from like a regular, published project. For now, there are two methods available for downloading:

  1. Via git
  2. By downloading the snapshot

Via git

cd sites/all/modules (or wherever you want to install it)
git clone --branch 7.x-1.x salesforce_webforms


When any significant changes are made to the code, they will be made available here for download. Either of these files can be used in a manner similar to the 'git' method, or they can also be used in the "Add a New Module" form in your Drupal admin interface


  1. Install, enable,  and configure the Salesforce Suite module
    • This will require creating a "remote app" within Salesforce. Follow the documentation of the Salesforce Suite module for this.
  2. Install, enable,  and configure The Webform module
  3. Enable the Salesforce Webforms Integration module