
Plugin documentation

I was really surprised when I was contacted recently by somebody who might want to use my theater productions plugin. I'm not 100% certain it's going to do what he wants, but he's willing to try. But that means that I need to actually document the silly thing. So I've spent this weekend writing up a first draft of a page on how to install and use my plugin.

Go ahead and give it a read if you'd like. If that doesn't scare you away from using it, nothing will.

Productions plugin: Two steps forward, one step back

I've made a lot of progress on my plugin. All of the content can be created and edited directly within the plugin. Site administrators can add and edit seasons, venues, and plays. They even have the ability to update cast lists, production and audition dates, and upload publicity photos. The only things left to do were to enable the ability to delete some of those items when needed, and then make the code more "generic" so it would work on another server, instead of only on my specific server.

Or so I thought.

Productions plugin updated

Time for another updated on my Wordpress theater productions plugin.

I've now got it to the point where it can work with either PostgreSQL (which the original application was coded with) OR the MySQL database that runs the Wordpress installation. I happen to prefer PostgreSQL, which is of course why I wrote the original app that way in the first place. However, running against MySQL has the distinct advantage of being much easier for a non-technical person to set up on a new blog.

My first Wordpress plugin

I've been using Wordpress for handling my (dormant) blog for a while now. I've also been hosting the website for Baytown Little Theater, but the content was managed using just HTML. I had a database of productions that was visible on the site, but it was all handled with custom PHP code and. PostgreSQL.

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