My take on the Cheney shooting incident

Anybody who's spent any time at all reading the posts here will know that I am no fan of the current administration. My default reaction on hearing any news related to Bush or Cheney is one of mistrust.

Having said that, however, I think that liberals do themselve a disservice by going after Cheney like attack dogs. In doing so, they appear to be no better than the republicans who went on the witch-hunt against Clinton when he was president, over the Lewinski incident. It was wrong then, and it's wrong now. Nobody, as far as I know, has said that this was anything but an accident. Gleefully jumping on the fact that Cheney didn't have some obscure $7.00 addendum to his hunting license is not helping anyone. Questioning the timeline of how things happened is more reasonable, but, in my opinion, the effectiveness of this has been blunted by these earlier attempts to find anything even vaguely off to pounce on.

I've seen similar approaches trying to tie Mr. Bush to Abramoff. I think that Mr. Bush has admitted to enough illegal actions related to the wiretapping. I don't think we need to dig up bad photos as a "smoking gun." This just hurts the liberal cause, and proves the right's point that this is partisan bickering, and not a search for truth and justice.

As liberals, we need to stick to the high ground, or we'll become our own enemy. Sites like, which I monitor regularly, could be an effective means of alerting people to abuses of the right. But they won't be effective as long as they cast themselves as mirror images of Rush Limbaugh and his ilk.




Yeah, but this is still the funniest thing I've seen in a long time:

The Daily Show on Cheney's Got a Gun

On a serious note, the liberal answer is certainly not their version of Rush Limbaugh. I completely agree. Good thoughts in this post.