bass guitar

Cursillo weekend coming up

I just spent yesterday evening and most of today at training for the next Houston Presbyterian Cursillo weekend, which will beĀ  April 14-18. I'm going to be on the music team. This will be the third time I've served on a Cursillo music team, but the first time that I'm going to be playing an instrument (bass guitar) instead of just singing. I'm somewhat nervous about it.

My newest toy!

Last night, while Wendy was off meeting with "the girls" I headed down to the Guitar Center. I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to buy, based on what I had read on-line. I was assuming that the store wouldn't have the exact bass I was looking at (and I was correct).

Started my lessons today!

Today I had my first bass guitar lesson. I think the instructor didn't know quite what to do with me at first, since it appears I don't fit the usual pattern of somebody coming in for instruction. He seemed to expect that I had been playing around on my own with the instrument, and that he'd be focusing initially on theory. Instead, I know enough music theory to get by as a beginning player, but I've not actually used the instrument.

Cover your ears!

Well, I've taken the plunge. I've signed up at Lee College for 12 weeks of lessons in playing the bass guitar. I even had a friend offer me the indefinite loan of his spare instrument until I'm ready to buy my own (thanks, Steve.) Now it's just a matter of waiting until an instructor calls me to schedule the actual lessons.

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